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Tracking Data Is Crucial, Even When You're Away​

In today’s fast-paced business world, efficient operations are key to staying ahead. Here’s why keeping tabs on your printing and finishing devices—even when you’re away, say at a trade show—is essential and how it can benefit you.

1. Maintain Operational Efficiency

When you’re out of the office, your business is still operating, and employees are still working hard. By tracking data of your print devices and associated processes…

Grades Aren't Just For Students

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Back-to-school season is a great time to think about productivity improvement, especially if you’re involved in education or any field where organization and efficiency are key.

Here’s how the two concepts are interconnected:

1. Data-Driven Decision Making: Schools often use data to assess student performance, identify areas for improvement, and tailor educational strategies. This principle can be applied to productivity

Of Data, Gardening, and the Art of Patience

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At first glance, summer gardening and data might seem worlds apart, but they share some interesting similarities:

1. Preparation and Planning: Just as you need to plan your garden—choosing the right plants for the season, preparing the soil, getting the seedlings, and setting up irrigation—data work often involves planning and organizing before diving into analysis or visualization. Both require a clear strategy to be successful…

Performance Metrics

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Olympic athletes use data extensively to refine their training and enhance performance. Here’s how they leverage data across various aspects:

  1. Performance Metrics: Athletes use data to track and analyze performance metrics such as speed, distance, power output, and heart rate. For example, sprinters might analyze split times and acceleration phases, while swimmers might focus on stroke count and turn times…

Downtime & Profitability

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How production shop floor data reveals downtime details and paves the way for increased profitability​

Uncovering Hidden Profitability in Your Print Shop Floor Data 

In the fast-paced printing world, every minute of downtime bleeds revenue. Yet without clear visibility into the root causes of idle equipment, remedies tend to waste resources randomly attacking symptoms. Print businesses can diagnose downtime drivers by tapping previously siloed shop floor data and applying targeted analytics to boost productivity and profits by 30% and more… 

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) for the Printing Industry

PIA Continuous Improvement Conference – April 10-13, 2016 in Milwaukee, WI

What’s Your Overall Equipment Effectiveness?

Graphics of America – February 18-20, 2016 in Miami, FL

Measuring Manufacturing Productivity IS&T Report

IS&T – NIP30: Digital Fabrication & Printing Conference – September 7-11, 2014 in Philadelphia, PA

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